Yesterday I made my first real cheesecake – A one topped with raspberry jelly. It was absolutely delicious, and so fresh – I do however think that the digestive is way too salty for this cake, so next time I would probably make it with oreo instead. But besides that – very very delicious! 

Igår lavede jeg min første rigtige cheesecake – En der havde hindbærgele på toppen. Den var simpelthen bare så lækker og frisk – Jeg synes dog at digestive kiks som bund var alt for salt, så jeg tror at næste gang, så vil jeg bruge oreo kiks istedet. Men udover det – Simpelthen bare super lækker! 
75g butter/smør
150g digestive crackers/digestive kiks

Melt the butter. Crush the crackers however you like, and mix them into the melted butter. Add the butter into the springform. Put it in the fridge to cool. 

Smelt smørret. Kiksene kommes i plastpose og knuses med en kagerulle. Det blandes dernæst i det smeltede smør. Fordel blandingen i en springform og stil den koldt. 

4 gelatine leaves/blade husblas
200g cream cheese natural/flødeost natural
2 dl cremefraiche 18%
1 vanilla pod/vanillestang
100-150g icing sugar/flormelis
2.5 dl whipping cream/piskefløde
Zest + juice from one lemon/Skræl + saft fra en citron

Leave the gelatine leaves in cold water for about 5 minutes. Mix cream cheese, cremefraiche, vanilla, icing sugar and orange zest gently together. Whip the cream and mix it into the rest of the cream cheese mixture. Pull the geleatine leaves out of the water. Heat up the lemon juice and melt the gelatine leaves in it – Leave it to cool off a little bit. Mix then fastly the gelatine/lemon mixture into the cream cheese mixture. Pour it over the digestive bottom and put everything into the fridge. Leave it to sit for a few hours. 

Læg husblasen i blød i koldt vand i 5 minutter. Rør forsigtigt flødeost, cremefraiche, vanillekorn fra stangen, flormelis og citronskræl sammen. Pisk fløden og bland det i resten af cremen. Træk husblasen op af vandet, og smelt det i citronjuicen. Køl husblas+citron lidt af, og bland det dernæst med cremen. Hæld det til sidst over digestive bunden og put det hele på køl i et par timer. 

2 dl raspberry syrup/hindbær saft
½ dl water/vand
4 gelatine leaves/blade husblas

Leave the gelatine leaves in cold water for about 5 minutes. Put the syrup and water in a pan, and heat it up. Take the gelatine out of the cold water, and melt it in the raspberry mixture. Leave to cool a bit, and then pour it on top of the cake. Leave in the fridge for a few hours – And then voíla, enjoy your raspberry cheesecake!! 

Sæt husblas i blød i 5 minutter. Hæld hindbærsaften og vandet i en gryde, og varm det op. Vrid husblas for vandet, og smelt det i hindbærsaftevandet. Lad det køle lidt af, og hæld det så ovenpå din ostekage. Lad det stå i køleskabet i et par timer – Og så voíla, nyd din lækre hindbær cheesecake! 
