One of my other Christmas presents was this great giftpackage from The Body Shop with everything a girl could wish for in the smell of Strawberry! I’ve used both the shower gel and the bodybutter a lot before and kind of didn’t have more of it, so it’s great to have it back in stock! Can’t wait to try the body polish too!
En af mine andre julegaver var denne fantastiske gaveæske fra The Body Shop med alt hvad en pige kan ønske sig i duften af jordbær! Jeg har før haft både shower gel og body butter og havde bare ikke rigtigt mere af det, så det er dejligt at have det tilbage på hylden! Jeg kan ikke vente med at prøve body polish også!

What a great present :D! I love the body shop!
And btw, you are goooorgeus!!!
//Fellow redhead!
I know right? Body shop is so awesome! – and thank you so much! You are very pretty yourself! 😀
Loving your new header and I love body shop stuff SO much