Of course you need to visit Empire State Building when you are in New York – and of course we did so too! We had a bit of trouble to actually find it (We walked to wrong way down 5th – Woops?), but it was only our 2nd day in New York, so who can actually blame us? Haha! Eventually we did figure out all of the system though! Anyway, Empire State Building was some experience. Seeing the city up above so high, was amazing! Unfortunately, it did seem a bit “foggy” because of the 35+C degrees of heat. Empire State Building can be found on 350 5th Avenue, and a ticket to the main deck on 86th floor is 25$. 

Selvfølgelig skal man besøge Empire State Building når man er i New York – og selvfølgelig gjorde vi også det! Vi havde lidt problemer med at finde det først (Vi gik den forkerte vej ned ad 5th – Ups?), men det var også kun vores 2. dag i New York, så det er vel okay? Haha! Vi fandt dog ud af systemet med vejene efter et par dage! Nå, men Empire State Building var noget af en oplevelse. At se byen helt oppe fra for første gang, var ret fantastisk! Desværre så virkede det lidt “tåget” på grund af de 35 graders varme. Empire State Building kan findes på 350 5th Avenue, og en billet til main deck på 86th floor koster 25$.
