Well, today is the last day of 2010, and I thought I wanted to go through a post of highlights from this year, in my life.
Met Cecilie and got into a new class, which meant meeting great new people.
Tokio Hotel played a concert in Denmark for the first time, and I waited in line for 5 days.
Saw Bill and Tom (+dogs) walking into the bus at night in Copenhagen,
on my birthday, with Linda and Sacha.
Went on an amazing Tokio Hotel tour with Linda and Mia Malene.
This picture is from Prater in Vienna, Austria.
Had 1st row in Vienna, just at the corner of the podium and Toms side. Awesome spot.
Picture of Bill, Vienna.
Tokio Hotel concert in Zürich, Switzerland, on Georgs birthday.
Saw the boys in front of the hotel in Toulouse, France.
Concert in Toulouse.
Last Humanoid City concert I went to, in Geneva, Switzerland.
Had the most amazing time on this tour. Experienced so much.
Spotted Mia Malene and I in a German TV-show, filmed in Geneva.
Went to Skive Festival with a broken toe.
Saw Green Day live.
Had kittens in the house for the first time in my life.
Mia Malene visited me.
Took down almost all of the posters and made one of my rooms a bit more classy.
Tokio Hotel answered my question in Malaysia.
Went to moms wedding. These pictures are with my stepsis.
Went to the Lady Gaga concert in Denmark
Started doing my nails a lot.
Baked a lot.
Had kittens in the house for the 2nd time.
Christmas lunch/party with classmates.
Had crazy and good times with my family.
There are so many highlights which I don’t have pictures of, so of course I would’ve put them in here.
– One of those, was to go to Lindas place and talk about the Tokio Hotel tour, just having fun together.
– Seeing new places in the world, travelling with people I love
– Finishing danish/history assignment
– soooo many more..
I hope all of you will get well into 2011 tonight!
Happy New Year!
About me

Hi! My name is Jeanette and I'm a 30-year-old Danish Web- and SoMe assistant who loves cooking, baking, traveling, music, TV (and most other media-related stuff), fashion, friends & family - and then of course my little cute dog, Dean. Welcome to my universe!