To visit the Statue of Liberty is another must-do when visiting New York for the first time, and as we had already bought City Passes from home which included something called Statue Cruises, so we took this boat towards Liberty Island and Ellis Island. We decided not to get off at Ellis Island though, and just enjoy the lovely fresh air on top of the boat instead. We did get off at Liberty Island to watch the Statue of Liberty up close though, and we sat down to enjoy some Liberty Island fries before catching the next boat again! Also, look at the beautiful New York skyline. Wow. Statue Cruises can be found near Battery Park.
Selvfølgelig skal man også besøge Frihedsgudinden når man er i New York for første gang, og i det vi allerede havde købt City Pass hjemmefra, hvor der var en billet med til noget der hedder “Statue Cruises”, så tog vi denne båd til Liberty Island og Ellis Island. Vi bestemte os dog for ikke at stige af på Ellis Island, og istedet bare nyde den friske luft på bådens øverste deck. Vi hoppede dog af på Liberty Island for at se Frihedsgudinden tættere på, og derefter sætte os ned for at nyde nogle Liberty Island pomfritter inden vi tog den næste båd tilbage igen! Udover det, så set lige New York’s smukke skyline. Wow. Statue Cruises kan findes ved Battery Park.